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Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011


Lung Diseases and Disorders

   Some lung diseases and disorders are caused by disorders in respiratory organs, caused by disease or poisonous gases.
   The following are explanations of some respiratory diseases and disorders :
   1. Caused by infection :
       a.  Bronchitis : An inflammation of mucus membrane in bronchi.
                               The symptom include cough followed by fever and pain in chest.
       b. TBC (tuberculosis) : A lung infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
       c. Pharyngitis : An inflammation of the pharynx caused by certain bacterial or viral infection.
                                The symptom may include pain when swallowing or sore throat.
       d. Tonsillitis : An inflammation of the tonsils caused by bacteria.
                             The symptoms may include sore throat, fever, and on muscles.
       e. Diphtheria : Is an infection caused by bacteria Corynebacterium diphtheriae.
                              It can cause heart complication followed by fever and sometimes can cause paralysis.
       f. The common cold (Selesma) : Condition which the nasal cavity is filled by mucus.
                                                        Runny nose, sneezing, and throat inflammation also occur.
                                                        Common colds are caused by viral infections in the upper respiratory
       g. Influenza : Sneezing, throat inflammation, headache, fever, and a feeling of pain and
                            fatigue in muscles. Influenza is caused by a viral infection in the upper respiration track.
       h. Pneumonia : an inflammation of lung tissue, especially in the alveoli, cause by bacteria, viruses, and
                               fungi. The inflammation will cause the alveoli to fill with fluid and mucous,
                               preventing oxygen from being absorbed.

       i. Pleurisy : An inflammation of the double membranes surrounding the lungs (pleura).
                         The inflammation is usually caused by infection of other organs close to lungs. The
                         inflamed pleura
                         excessive fluid into the preural cavity so that the person infected feels pain during

  2. Caused by non infection :
      a. Asthma : Causes the muscles surrounding the bronchioles to constrict so much that air has difficulty
                         reaching the lungs. Asthma isn't contagious and is genetic. Dust, chemical substances,
                         pollen, fungi, cold air, and dead skin cells from animals are examples of allergens that can
                         trigger an asthma attack in susceptible people.
      b. Lung cancer : Often occurs on heavy smoker.
      c. Emphysema : A respiratory illness caused by swollen lung that leads to shortness breath.
      d. Rhinitis : An inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose. It result in the swollen nose and
                        generates of excessive amounts of mucous.

Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011



In the past, when instrument for observations had not been developed, biologists recognized two big groups of organisms: animals and plants.After microscope had been invented by Antonie van Leewenhoek, the scientists’s eyes were open that there were microscope group of organism called microorganism.With the development of science and technology, there are several types of classifications, namely three, four, five and even six kingdoms.Among those classifications, the classifications of five kingdoms is generally used.It was made by Whitteaker in 1969.Whitteaker introduced organism classification into five big kingdoms namely Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.
Many organism don’t have nucleus membranes.They are called prokaryote.Prokaryote is included in Monera Kingdom. Organism that have nucleus membranes are called eukaryote.Eukaryote is grouped into four big groups, namely Kingdom Protista, Kindom Fungi, Kingdom Plantae, and Kingdom Animalia.

A.Monera Kingdom
Monera Kingdom consist of two big groups of organisms, bacteria and cyanobacteria.Both are included in prokaryote and unicellular organism.
Monera reproduces by binary fission. In addition to that, Monera also forms spore.The spore forming is particularly performed in a disadvantaged environmental condition.The formed spore is called endospore.

Ø  Most bacteria can move freely and don’t attach to one place.
Ø  Their movement is aided by flagella.
Ø  Heterotroph : living as decomposer residues of organism.Example : Escherichia coli .
Ø  Autotroph : which are able to synthesize their own food chemically.Such bacteria are called chemoautotroph, such as sulphuric bacteria
Some types of bacteria are useful for human beings such as Lactobacillus, that is used to make yoghurt.

Also known as blue-green algae.They are called algae because they are able  to photosynthesize like algae in general, but cyanobacteria are grouped into prokaryotes.The forms of cyanobacteria are various ; some are unicellular and the others are colonies composed of some cells.
Different from bacteria, cyanobacteria have more complicated composition.Inside the body cell, there are chlorophylls for photosynthesize. Different from those in eukaryotes, the chlorophylls in cyanobacteria aren’t situated  in chloroplasts, since it doesn’t have any chloroplasts.In addition, there are others pigments such as red and brown pigements.Cyanobacteria can live in different places having different conditions, whether fertile or arid lands.Some examples of Cyanobacteria are Anabaena azollae  , Oscillatoria, and Spirulina maxima.

B.Protista Kingdom
Included in Eukaryote with unicellular or multicellular body that has not formed a tissue system.Protista is divided into two groups, namely protozoa and algae.In the waters, this organism group is known as plankton.Some plankton have plant characteristic (photosynthesis); they are called phytoplankton.However, others planktons have animal characteristic, which are called zooplankton.
Ø  Unicellular or colonial (many identical cells).
Ø  Eukaryota.
Ø  Motile and sessile.
Ø  Autotrophic and heterophic.
Ø  Reproduce asexually.

The organism in protozoa group have animal characteristic.
Protozoa are :
Ø  Heterotroph.
Ø  Unicellular.
Ø  Mobile.
Ø  Having vacuole.
Based on their moving apparatus, protozoa are grouped into several following groups :
a.      Rhizopoda (pseudopodia = fake feet) , such as Entamoeba histolytica  and Amoeba proteus.
b.      Ciliata, such as Paramecium sp, Balantidium, Stentor and Vorticella.
c.       Flagellata, such as Trypanosoma, Leishmania, Euglena virdis.
d.      Sporozoa (generating spores without moving apparatus), such as Plasmodium sp.

Ø  Unicellular or multicellular eukrayote.
Ø  Have chloroplasts so they can photosynthesize.This group consist of Euglena, Dinoflagellata, Diatomae groups.
Euglena can move freely using flagellas.Euglena always moves toward the light source.
Dinoflagellata live in the sea.Abundant number of algae can make the sea surface brcome reddish.
Diatomae, has hard skin composed of silica.

C.Fungi Kingdom
Ø  Eukaryote.
Ø  No chlorophylls
Ø  Composed of one or more cells
Ø  Reproduce by spore or thallus.
Ø  Saprophyte.
Ø  Heterotrophs.
Ø  Sessile.
Ø  Reproduce sexually and asexually.
Fungi has hyphae,the hyphae contain of cytoplasma and nucleus.

D.Plantae Kingdom
All plants belong to Plantae Kingdom.
The characteristic of plant are :
Ø  Having chlorophyll.
Ø  Multicellular organism.
Ø  Sessile.
Ø  Autotrophic.
Ø  Reproduce sexually.
Based on those characteristic, then the plant groups include :
Ø  Macroscopics algae.
Ø  Spore plants.
Ø  Seed plants.

1)Seed Plants
Algae reproduce with its spores or thallus.Macroscopics algae are grouped based on the color of their leaves, namley Rhodophyceae (red algae), Chlorophyceae (green algae), and Phaeophyceae (brown algae).Red alga, brown algae, and green algae live in the sea.

2)Spore Plants
Spore plants include moss adn ferns.Mosses are transforming plants from thallus plants into cormus  plants.Mosses have following characterisctics :
Ø  Multicellular.
Ø  Green.
Ø  Living in humid palces.
Ø  Having neither roots, trunks nor leaves but already having parts like roots, trunks, and leaves.The roots on the moss are called rhizoids, which are used to attach and absorb water and mineral.Based on their body forms, moss are grouped into two groups, liverworts, and hornworts.
Ø  Reproducing with spores.

Ferns have following characterictics :
Ø  Reproduce with spores.
Ø  Live in a shady and humid or wet place.
Ø  Ferns reproduce asexually (vegetative) and sexually (generative).

3)Seed Plants
The seed plants include two big groups, namely open seed plants (Gymnospermae) and closed seed     plants (Angiospermae)
a.    Open seed Plants (Gymnospermae)
The open seed plants are plants whose seeds are not covered by fruit flesh, so that they can be seen from outside.Have strobilus as reproduction organ.
Grouped into seven groups :
Ø  Pteridospermae (extinct)
Ø  Bennettinae (extinct)
Ø  Cordaitinae (extinct)
Ø  Cycadinae        : The cycadinae class is diocious and has strobilus-like flowers,male and female strobilus in two different trees (male and female plants.)
Ø  Gnetinae          : Gnetum gnemon (Melinjo)
Ø  Coniferae         : Ever green,pines,podocarpus group.
Ø  Ginkgotinae    :   Gingko biloba               Tiongkok.
The covered seed-bearing plants have seeds that are covered by fruit flesh.It consist of dicotyledons and monocotyledons.In the dicotyledons having two cotyledons.And in the monocotyledons having  one cotyledons.Has a complete flowers and some others has incomplete flowers.

E.Kindom Animalia
v  Not have chlorophyll.
v  Multicellular.
v  Mobile.
v  Heterotrophs.
v  Reproduce sexually.
Just like what he did with plants, Carolus Linnaeus also claasified the animals based on its body structure or morphology.Based on the existence of back bone, the animal can be grouped into two big groups, avertebrates/invertebrate and vertebrates.There are 13 group of animal :
v  Porifera (Avertebrata).
v  Coelenterata (Avertebrata).
v  Platyhelminthes (Avertebrata).
v  Nemathelminthes (Avertebrata).
v  Annnelida (Avertebrata).
v  Mollusca (Avertebrata).
v  Arthropoda (Avertebrata).
v  Echinodermata (Avertebrata).
v  Pisces (Vertebrata).
v  Amphibia (Vertebrata).
v  Reptilia (Vertebrata).
v  Aves (Vertebrata).
v  Mammals (Vertebrata).

Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011


1. Soil Definition
Picture 1.1
Soil Profil Example
    Soil is a natural heterogeneous objects, consist of solid, liquid, and gas. It has dynamic natural and behavior.
    As the planting medium, soil has function as follows :
    a. Growing media for plants.
    b. Providing variety nutrient plants.
    c. Providing water for plants.
    d. Providing air for roots breathing.

2. Soil Components
Picture 1.2
Soil Components
    Soil consist of mineral substance, organic substance and ground water. Mineral substance derives from rock weathering, while organic substance derives from decomposition of non living organism. With regards to that situation, there are destructive and constructive processes within soil. The destructive process is decomposition of mineral substance and organic substance. The constructive process is reconstruction process of mineral substance and organic substance into new compound.
    Comparison of soil components depends on the soil types, soil horizon, weather, climatic condition as well as human interference. Soil components needed by plants are 45% mineral substance, 5% organic substance, 25% water, and 25% air.

3. Soil Process
Picture 1.3
Soil Derives From Weathered Rock
    Soil derives from physical, chemical or biological weathering to rock. Rock weathering is the initial process of soil formulation. The process produces piles of material called regolith. The regolith is the main substance in soil formulation, therefore regolith is entitled as parent material for soil formulation. Parent material has several weathering process, which formulates soil. There are several factors formulating soil, such as : parent material, climate, organism, landscape, and time.
    a. Parent Material
        The main component of soil derives from rocks. The main components of soil are distinguished into igneous rock, sedimentary rock, and metamorphic rock
    b. Climate
        Climate is the most domain factor during soil production. Temperature and precipitation are the most  common components of climate that affect soil formulation. Rocks heating and cooling are the most common processes that cause rock weathering.
    c. Organism
        Organism, especially vegetation is the dominant soil substance. Soil organic substance influences the nature of soil. Vegetation as land cover reduces erosion potency.
    d. Landscape
Picture 1.4
Landscape/ Topography Influences
Soil Formulation
        Landscape influences soil formulation through several methods, such as it influences amount of infiltrate precipitation into soil or is restrained by soil. It also influences the depth of groundwater, erosion intensity, and water movement as well as soluble material. 

    e. Time
        Time influences soil formulation in a way of parent material weathering, rock destruction by climate and organism requires long process which enables substance material to formulate soil.