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Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

The Examples of English Speech

I have two examples of English Speech about sport. I hope it can useful for us. Thank you ! Please give your comment.

By : Petra Radyaning Bestari

Good afternoon audiences,
Thanks for time given to me. The honorable adjudicator team, teacher, and fellow student. I would first like to start by thanking God Almighty, whose Grace, we can gather around in this final speech competition. Let me introduce myself. My name is Petra Radyaning Bestari. I’m student of RSBI 1 WATES JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, Kulon Progo. I will deliver a speech about sport, entitled “The Integration of Mind, Body and Spirit is The Most Essential Sports Factor.”
Today’s technologies have made life become easier and easier everyday for us. Technologies are made to help us doing our tasks in a more practical and efficient way. However, being used to modern technologies has made us use our body-self less, less body movement, less physical activity, so, we are doing less of a good sport that is needed by our body. Many people in the world attacked by stroke, and stress. Less sport means, we are doing less a good sport for our body. Our mind become stress, our blood doesn’t circulate smoothly, and stroke. Hmm.. It’s very serious problem. Lets changing your lifestyle. If you don’t change your lifestyle, you will get bad effect later.
When integrating these 3 main elements in your life you will be able to achieve anything you want by connecting to your higher self. Simply including some form of meditation will enhance your awareness in all perspectives. Take some time out during the day and leave a few minutes aside by starting off with 10-15 minutes a day for some meditation exercises so you become more in tune with your higher self, body, mind, and spirit as a whole. As you begin to implement this into your regular lifestyle along with your training you will notice that you'll become more aware of your surroundings, physical body, internal body, intuition, decisions will become clearer for you, and stress will be less, and so on. If you’re not into meditation like yoga, you can choose one or more kind of sport. Like swimming, walking, jogging, badminton. Its can make our mind, body and spirit balanced.  I would like to use the quote "Mens Sana In Corpore Sano" Do you know, what is the meaning of the quote? It means, there is a healthy soul in a healthy body. So, come on do healthy habits.
That’s all of my speech. I hope, it can be useful for us. Thank you. Goodbye.


Good morning audiences, honorable adjudicator teams, Teachers and fellow students.
I would first like to start by thanking God Almighty, whose Grace has allowed us to gather around in this speech competition. My name is Petra Radyaning Bestari. You can call me Petra. I study at RSBI 1 Wates Junior High School, Kulon Progo. Have you ever heard of the term that says, “Preventing is a better way than curing diseases”? Yes, you might have heard how diseases today have changed into scary things. You had probably heard about some gentlemen suffered from a heart attack in his mid-30. Take the late Ade Namnung case for example, the famous TV presenter who has just recently passed away from a heart attack, and he is only 34.
 Kids have to be dialysis-machine dependent because he/she has a renal failure. Getting a proper medical treatment is quite expensive for most people, therefore, it is very important that we stay healthy. In this occasion, my audiences, I would like to share you a secret on the easy and non-expensive way that can buy us a good health, the secret is by doing sport. As we know, today’s technologies have made life become easier and easier everyday for us. Instead of walking, our moms go to the market riding her motorbike. Cleaning the house is a no frill with vacuum cleaner. Doing laundry is as easy as pushing a button now with the modern washing machine. Technologies are made to help us doing our tasks in a more practical and efficient way, and this is completely okay. However, being used to modern technologies has made us use our body-self less, less body movement, less physical activity, thus, we are doing less of a good sport that is needed by our body. The other main cause for diseases is bad diets. Kids only eat junk foods, with no sufficient protein and vitamin intake from the fruits and veggies. Most of us prefer tahu goreng than tahu bacem. Less sport means less movement for our body. Our muscle becomes tense, our heart doesn’t get the exercise it needs, and the blood doesn’t circulate smoothly in the vessels. You may not feel the effect today, or the day after tomorrow, but if you don’t start changing your lifestyle, it will give bad effect to your health later. To balance the comfort of having modern technologies assisting you with your task, you should do some exercises as well. Start simple. Walking to school or jogging crossing the paddy field can be a good way to start. It is easy, inexpensive, plus, you’ll get the benefit of enjoying the beautiful sceneries and fresh air our nature has to offer. If you’re not into walking or jogging, you can do other kind of sports as well, swimming, playing badminton, playing football, etc. doing sports help to keep it balanced. We still get assisted in doing our tasks by the technologies, and we still keep our body fit and healthy by doing the sports. Another tip to a good health is watching what you are eating. Take less fast-food and more healthy food instead. A healthy food includes carbohydrate for the energy source, along with protein, vitamin and minerals as the compliment, all of which are useful for our body and to keep us in good health. To conclude my speech, I would like to use the quote “Mens Sana In Copore Sano”, which means there is a healthy soul in a healthy body. A good health is a very important for all of us, and the keys to that are: enough exercise, eat healthy and get enough rest.
That will be all from me. I hope we can take something output of my speech this morning. Thank you. Good Bye.

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