Lung Diseases and Disorders
Some lung diseases and disorders are caused by disorders in respiratory organs, caused by disease or poisonous gases.
The following are explanations of some respiratory diseases and disorders :
1. Caused by infection :
a. Bronchitis : An inflammation of mucus membrane in bronchi.
The symptom include cough followed by fever and pain in chest.
b. TBC (tuberculosis) : A lung infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
c. Pharyngitis : An inflammation of the pharynx caused by certain bacterial or viral infection.
The symptom may include pain when swallowing or sore throat.
d. Tonsillitis : An inflammation of the tonsils caused by bacteria.
The symptoms may include sore throat, fever, and on muscles.
e. Diphtheria : Is an infection caused by bacteria Corynebacterium diphtheriae.
It can cause heart complication followed by fever and sometimes can cause paralysis.
f. The common cold (Selesma) : Condition which the nasal cavity is filled by mucus.
Runny nose, sneezing, and throat inflammation also occur.
Common colds are caused by viral infections in the upper respiratory
g. Influenza : Sneezing, throat inflammation, headache, fever, and a feeling of pain and
fatigue in muscles. Influenza is caused by a viral infection in the upper respiration track.
h. Pneumonia : an inflammation of lung tissue, especially in the alveoli, cause by bacteria, viruses, and
fungi. The inflammation will cause the alveoli to fill with fluid and mucous,
preventing oxygen from being absorbed.
i. Pleurisy : An inflammation of the double membranes surrounding the lungs (pleura).
The inflammation is usually caused by infection of other organs close to lungs. The
inflamed pleura
excessive fluid into the preural cavity so that the person infected feels pain during
2. Caused by non infection :
a. Asthma : Causes the muscles surrounding the bronchioles to constrict so much that air has difficulty
reaching the lungs. Asthma isn't contagious and is genetic. Dust, chemical substances,
pollen, fungi, cold air, and dead skin cells from animals are examples of allergens that can
trigger an asthma attack in susceptible people.
b. Lung cancer : Often occurs on heavy smoker.
c. Emphysema : A respiratory illness caused by swollen lung that leads to shortness breath.
d. Rhinitis : An inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose. It result in the swollen nose and
generates of excessive amounts of mucous.